2008. 11. 16. 17:18

Neighborhood 2008 Fall/Winter - November Items

겨울이시작돼면서 요즘 여러브랜드에서 f/w상품들이 나오고있다 (그것도 디자인도 엄청 이쁘게)

일본에 오면 이런거 다살수있을줄알았는데

매장가서 구경만하는게 더욱괴롭다..흑..

Some new items from Neighborhood’s fall/winter Dirty Harry collection have arrived at Cliff Edge. Consisting of outerwear garments, the collection showcases the Japanese brands more versatile and technical side. The lineup featuring a motoring inspired pieces like a leather jacket, windbreaker, down piece and a set of flannel zip down jackets.