'Takashi Murakami'에 해당되는 글 7건

  1. 2008.10.29 Takashi Murakami x Hiroshi Fujiwara “Hi & Lo” Visvim Kiefer & Tees 1
2008. 10. 29. 19:20

Takashi Murakami x Hiroshi Fujiwara “Hi & Lo” Visvim Kiefer & Tees

Having already seen some previews of their collaborative efforts with the like of Kangol, Head Porter, Levi’s and Visvim we get another look into the special product being marketed for the Hi & Lo event. Takashi Murakami features his signature flower print artwork on a pair of Visvim’s Kiefer Hi co-branded with Hiroshi Fujiwara’s fragment design. Along with the shoes we get a look at a set of t-shirts designed by Fujiwara as well. The collection is scheduled to release at KaiKai Kiki during the opening of the “Hi & Lo” exhibition October 31st, 2008.

honeyee에서 봤었던 타카시무라카미랑 히로시후지와라의 콜라보레이션이 드디어 발매되는듯하다

특히 키퍼가 정말 이쁘게 나오는거같다!!

근데 환율크리티컬터져서 밥도제대로 못먹는상황에 저건 너무 사치인거같아서 일단패쓰..

옥션에 싸게 올라오면 그때 건져야겟다!! 가서 구경하는겸 여유가되면 티셔츠라도 한장 건질계획!!

혹시 일본에 계신분들이 이글을 볼수도있으니까 올리는 정보입니다!

2008.11.1(Sat) - 11.15(Sat)


■会場:Kaikai Kiki Gallery 
※外階段からお入りください。電車:地下鉄広尾駅(日比谷線)下車 (1番出入口) 徒歩8分